Features For Everyone

Client Features

Straightforward pricing

Set what the pay rate for the attorney will be & we apply a straight 25% markup on top.
Graphic Element Depicting Pricing

Transparent recruiting process

This includes pricing, availability, reviewer details, and market trends.
Graphic Element Depicting Tracking Earnings

Match With The Right Reviewer

Targeted matching of reviewers to projects based on specific project needs.
Graphic Element Depicting Matching with The Right Reviewer

Automated conflict checks

See any potential conflicts that reviewers may have to determine whether they are suitable for a project.
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting

Start Your Review Faster

Building a review team faster than you ever could before.
Graphic Element Depicting Calendar

Rate Your Reviewers

You are able to give a rating to each reviewer on your project and see how others have rated them.
Graphic Element Depicting Calendar

Self-Service Portal

Manage all aspects of your project when you want and how you want.
Graphic Element Depicting Self- Service Portal

Billing & Invoices Insights

See how your budget is being managed at a glance.
Graphic Element Depicting Billing

Reviewer Count & Budget Calculator

Helpful tools to assist you in determining specific project needs.
Graphic Element Depicting Reviewing Clients

Client Features

Straightforward pricing

Set what the pay rate for the attorney will be & we apply a straight 25% markup on top.
Graphic Element Depicting Pricing

Transparent recruiting process

This includes pricing, availability, reviewer details, and market trends.
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting Process

Match With The Right Reviewer

Targeted matching of reviewers to projects based on specific project needs.
Graphic Element Depicting Matching with The Right Reviewer

Automated conflict checks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting

create your flexible schedule

Manage reviewers with different requirements & rates in the same project.
Graphic Element Depicting Calendar

Rate A Reviewer On Your Own

You'll be able to give a rating for each reviewer and company.
Graphic Element Depicting Rating Reviewers

Rate A Reviewer On Your Own

You'll be able to give a rating for each reviewer and company.
Graphic Element Depicting Rating Reviewers

Rate A Reviewer On Your Own

You'll be able to give a rating for each reviewer and company.
Graphic Element Depicting Rating Reviewers

Rate A Reviewer On Your Own

You'll be able to give a rating for each reviewer and company.
Graphic Element Depicting Rating Reviewers

Reviewer Features

Take Control Of Your Professional Life

With Altorney, you set the rates and availability of when you are able to work.
Graphic Element Depicting Taking Control

Matching based on skills

We’ll match you with reviews based on your profile and let you decide if a project is right for you.
Graphic Element Depicting Matching Based on Skills

Complete Direct process

We provide an easy to use system that lets you showcase yourself.
Graphic Element Depicting Direct Process

Access to a variety of perks

We offer referral bonuses, care options, mentorships, training, and more!
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting

Track Your Earnings

Quickly view your earnings over the past 30 days and across all Altorney projects.
Graphic Element Depicting Tracking Earnings

Manage Your Availability

Easily track when you want to work and when you need some time for yourself.
Graphic Element Depicting Managing Availability

Reviewing Your Clients

You are given the chance to rate each client or their company
Graphic Element Depicting Self- Service Portal

Notifications For You

We'll let you know when you've been matched through text, email, and in-app.
Graphic Element Depicting Rating Reviewers

Time Keeping & Payroll

All tracking takes place on a single platform.
Graphic Element Depicting Time Keeping

Take control of your rates

With Altorney, you're able to set your rate and availability of when you're free.
Graphic Element Depicting Taking Control

Matching to projects based on skills

Notifications sent to you instantly when a matching project is posted!
Graphic Element Depicting Matching Based on Skills

Full Transperant process

We provide exact matching, available schedules, and reviewer information.
Graphic Element Depicting Direct Process

Access to a variety of perks

We offer referral bonuses and care options for our reviewers.
Graphic Element Depicting Variety of Perks

Create Free Profile & Create Free

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.
Graphic Element Depicting Tracking Earnings

Create Free Profile & Create Free

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting Process

Reviewer Features

Features For Everyone

Straightforward pricing

Set what the pay rate for the attorney will be & we apply a straight 25% markup on top.
Graphic Element Depicting Pricing

Transparent recruiting process

This includes pricing, availability, reviewer details, and market trends.
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting Process

Match With The Right Reviewer

Targeted matching of reviewers to projects based on specific project needs.
Graphic Element Depicting Matching with The Right Reviewer

Automated conflict checks

See any potential conflicts that reviewers may have to determine whether they are suitable for a project.
Graphic Element Depicting Recruiting

Start Your Review Faster

Building a review team faster than you ever could before.
Graphic Element Depicting Calendar

Rate Your Reviewers

You are able to give a rating to each reviewer on your project and see how others have rated them.
Graphic Element Depicting Rating Reviewers

Self-Service Portal

Manage all aspects of your project, when you want and how you want.
Graphic Element Depicting Self- Service Portal

Billing & Invoice Insights

Our graphs and charts clearly show how your budget is being managed.
Graphic Element Depicting Billing

Reviewer Count & Budget Calculator

Helpful tools to assist you in specific project needs.
Graphic Element Depicting Reviewer Count and Budget Calculator

Take Control Of Your Professional Life

With Altorney, you set the rates and availability of when you are able to work.
Graphic Element Depicting Taking Control

Matching based on skills

We’ll match you with reviews based on your profile and let you decide if a project is right for you.
Graphic Element Depicting Matching Based on Skills

Complete Direct process

We provide an easy to use system that lets you showcase yourself.
Graphic Element Depicting Direct Process

Access to a variety of perks

We offer referral bonuses, care options, mentorships, training, and more!
Graphic Element Depicting Variety of Perks

Track Your Earnings

Quickly view your earnings over the past 30 days and across all Altorney projects.
Graphic Element Depicting Tracking Earnings

Manage Your Availability

Easily track when you want to work and when you need some time for yourself.
Graphic Element Depicting Managing Availability

Reviewing Your Clients

You are given the chance to rate each client or their company
Graphic Element Depicting Reviewing Clients

Notifications For You

We'll let you know when you've been matched through text, email, and in-app.
Graphic Element Depicting Notifications

Time Keeping & Payroll

All tracking takes place on a single platform.
Graphic Element Depicting Time Keeping

Work Efficiently And At Your Own Rate

Sign Up Today